Journal Club (August 29, 2022)

Nature Neuroscience (2022) Article Published: 22 August 2022

Preconfigured dynamics in the hippocampus are guided by embryonic birthdate and rate of neurogenesis (海馬の事前設定されたダイナミクスは、胚の生年月日と神経新生速度によって導かれる)

Roman Huszár, Yunchang Zhang, Heike Blockus & György Buzsáki

ギョルグ・ブザーキ(1949年11月24日 ハンガリーのカポスヴァール生まれ)は、ニューヨーク大学医学部神経科学のビグス教授である。1974年にハンガリーのペーチ大学で医学博士を取得し、Endre Grastyánの指導の下、神経科学の博士号を取得した。ブザーキの主な関心は「neural syntax」、すなわち、認知機能を支える多数の脳内リズムによって神経情報の分節化がどのように組織化されるかということである。ブザーキは海馬のシータ波、ガンマ波、シャープ波とそれに付随する高速振動の細胞・シナプス基盤、それらの相互関係、行動や睡眠との関係を明らかにした。シリコンチップを用いた大規模記録法や、動物と患者の両方に使用される有機的でコンフォータブルな電極システムであるニューログリッドなど、数多くの技術革新のパイオニアである。(Wikipediaより)


The incorporation of new information into the hippocampal network is likely to be constrained by its innate architecture and internally generated activity patterns. However, the origin, organization and consequences of such patterns remain poorly understood. In the present study we show that hippocampal network dynamics are affected by sequential neurogenesis. We birthdated CA1 pyramidal neurons with in utero electroporation over 4 embryonic days, encompassing the peak of hippocampal neurogenesis, and compared their functional features in freely moving adult mice. Neurons of the same birthdate displayed distinct connectivity, coactivity across brain states and assembly dynamics. Same-birthdate neurons exhibited overlapping spatial representations, which were maintained across different environments. Overall, the wiring and functional features of CA1 pyramidal neurons reflected a combination of birthdate and the rate of neurogenesis. These observations demonstrate that sequential neurogenesis during embryonic development shapes the preconfigured forms of adult network dynamics.


〇胎生期のマウス海馬ニューロン新生を経時的に観察している。誕生日が同じ神経細胞は、成体脳内でもお互い結合し、協調して機能するようになる。 成体脳のネットワークダイナミクスが、胚発生中の連続的なニューロン新生によって事前に決まっていることを示す。

a, Schematic of in utero electroporation of plasmids (ChR2-eYFP and tdTomato) for birthdating CA1 pyramidal neurons. b, The tdTomato expression resulting from in utero electroporation at four embryonic (E) dates: E13.5, E14.5, E15.5 and E16.5. c, Left: radial depth distributions across birthdates (Methods; Extended Data Fig. 1b); right: cumulative distributions and box plots of radial depth distributions: E13.5, 0.71 (n = 2,657 tdTomato+ puncta); E14.5, 0.48 (n = 1,993); E15.5, 0.28 (n = 7,749); E16.5, 0.19 (n = 9,173). Median, Kruskal–Wallis test: H = 4.5 × 103, degrees of freedom (d.f.) = 3, P = 0. SO = stratum oriens ; SP = stratum pyramidale; SR = stratum radiatum. d, Left: spike autocorrelogram of a pyramidal neuron identified on the basis of waveform shape and bursting statistics; right: raster plot of the neuron’s responses to optogenetic stimulation (2 ms, shaded blue) and superimposed PSTH (blue curve). e, Proportion of light-responsive pyramidal cells per recording session24: E13.5, 5.39 ± 5% (n = 30 sessions); E14.5, 11.16 ± 8.5% (n = 24); E15.5, 14.74 ± 8.7% (n = 24); E16.5, 9.16 ± 3.8% (n = 18); mean ± s.d., ANOVA: F(3,92) = 8.525, P = 4 × 10−4f, Top: distribution of preferred theta phases of E13.5 pyramidal neurons (n = 95) during waking and REM sleep. Blue trace shows mean LFP from two consecutive theta cycles. Arrowhead: REM sleep-induced theta-phase shift. Bottom: fraction of theta-modulated light-responsive cells that shifted their phase to the peak of theta in REM sleep: E13.5, 30.89% (n = 123 modulated neurons); E14.5, 24.5% (n = 106); E15.5, 23.8% (n = 143); E16, 19.7% (n = 76). Slope of regression line = –3.42%, P = 0.028 (bootstrap, one tailed). Black crosses: mean ± 95% bootstrapped confidence interval (CI). Blue line and shading: linear regression ± 95% bootstrapped CI. g, Firing rate distributions across birthdates: E13.5, 1.57 Hz (n = 184 neurons); E14.5, 1.63 Hz (n = 132); E15.5, 1.62 Hz (n = 233); E16.5, 1.16 Hz (n = 115). Median, Kruskal–Wallis test: H = 11.8186, d.f. = 3, P = 1.6 × 10−2h, Top: autocorrelograms of example pyramidal neurons with similar firing rates but different burst propensities; bottom: burst indices (spike count at 2- to 5-ms lags normalized by count at 200- to 300-ms lags) across birthdates: E13.5, 0.1167 (n = 184 neurons); E14.5, 0.1272 (n = 132); E15.5, 0.136 (n = 233); E16.5 = 0.1082 (n = 115). Median, Kruskal–Wallis test: H = 13.87, d.f. = 3, P = 4.4 × 10−3*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. Box plot’s central mark, notch and edges indicate the median, its 95% CI and the 25th/75th percentiles, respectively. See Supplementary Table 3 for P values of multiple comparisons.



In summary, we suggest that the radial topography and heterogeneity of functional features within the CA1 pyramidal layer results from a combination of neuronal birthdate and the rate of neurogenesis. These rules may generalize to other cortical networks.



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