
  • **印の付いている教員は,博士前期・後期課程の大学院生の受け入れが可能です.

  • The faculty members with an asterisk can accept both Master’s and Doctoral students.

  • #印の付いている教員は,博士前期課程の大学院生のみ受け入れ可能です.
  • The faculty members with a hash mark can accept Master’s students.

Anatomy and Neuroscience Group more

  • **武井 陽介(医学医療系 教授) ytakeimd.tsukuba.
  • **佐々木 哲也(医学医療系 助教)tsasakimd.tsukuba.
  • 岩田 卓(医学医療系 助教)iwatamd.tsukuba.
  • 森川 桃(医学医療系 助教)momomd.tsukuba.
  • **Yosuke Takei (Professor, Institute of Medicine)
  • **Tetsuya Sasaki (Assistant Professor, Institute of Medicine)
  • Iwata Suguru (Assistant Professor, Institute of Medicine)
  • Morikawa Momo (Assistant Professor, Institute of Medicine)


  1. ニューロンの細胞内輸送機構
  2. ニューロンの細胞内輸送の破綻と精神神経疾患
  3. 免疫異常と脳の発達・機能異常
  4. 精神神経疾患のマウスモデル研究

Our goal is to elucidate the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of schizophrenia and autism. In these illnesses, neuronal morphology and function are affected by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying these illnesses is important as it will lead to the future development of novel methods of treatment and prevention. Our current research is focusing on the following four areas:

  1. Mechanisms of intracellular transport in neurons.
  2. Mental illnesses based on the disruption of intracellular transport machinery.
  3. Neuronal abnormalities caused by immunological abnormalities.
  4. Analysis of mouse model of mental illnesses.

Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience Group more

  • **山田 洋(医学医療系 准教授)h-yamadamd. tsukuba.
  • **Hiroshi Yamada (Associate Professor, Institute of Medicine)

ヒトは日々の生活の中で、物事の良し悪しを判断して暮らしています。このヒトの価値観が脳から生まれる仕組みの理解を目指して研究しています。神経経済学 (Neuroeconomics)と呼ばれる、神経科学とミクロ経済学を融合した最先端の学際的な研究です。例を挙げると、

In our daily lives, humans evaluate values of actions or items. My research aims to understand the neural mechanism of value-based decision makings in humans and animals. Neuroeconomics is a cutting-edge interdisciplinary research that combines neuroscience and microeconomics. For example:
・Why is water delicious when you are thirsty?
・Why do you prefer coca cola than Pepsi?
・Gambling makes you nervous, right?
We examine brain functions related to such things. We use humans and their model animal, the macaque monkey, and perform cognitive behavioral tasks to investigate how the brain's activities related to decision-makings occurred depending on the level of needs such as thirst or hunger. In addition, by manipulating brain activity, we are investigating the effects of observed brain activity on behavior. By examining brain’s normal functions and abnormalities, we hope to understand a mental illness, such as

Systems physiology Group more

  • **國松 淳(医学医療系 助教)jkunimatsumd.tsukuba.
  • **Jun Kunimatsu (Assistant Professor, Institute of Medicine)


We flexibly adjust our behavior to adapt to the dynamically changing environment in a complex manner. The neuronal mechanisms underlying these adaptive behaviors, acquired through evolution, remain unclear. Our laboratory aims to understand the neural mechanisms of these adaptive behaviors at the system level from sensory input to behavioral execution and contribute to the medical field by elucidating pathological conditions such as psychiatric and neurological diseases in which adaptive behaviors are impaired. Therefore, we examine human and monkey behaviors by using cognitive tasks and analyzing neuronal activity during the task at the millisecond time resolution in monkey. Currently, our focus is on the following themes: (1) The effects of breathing on cognitive functions. (2) Neural circuits underlying social behavior. (3) Neural mechanisms of voluntary breathing.

Molecular Behavioral Neuroscience Group more

  • **櫻井 武(医学医療系 教授) sakurai.takeshi.gfu.tsukuba.
  • **平野 有沙(医学医療系 助教) hirano.arisa.gtu.tsukuba.
  •   齊藤 夕貴(医学医療系 助教) saito.yuki.gmu.tsukuba.
  • **Takeshi Sakurai (Professor, Institute of Medicine)
  • **Arisa Hirano (Assistant Professor, Institute of Medicine)
  •   Yuki Saito (Assistant Professor, Institute of Medicine)


  1. 睡眠覚醒制御機構の解明
  2. 社会行動を制御する神経経路の解明
  3. 冬眠様状態を制御する神経機構の解明

We are interested in neuropeptides, which play a variety of roles in regulation of the central nervous system. We have tried to identify novel neuropeptides by various biochemical searches, and define their physiological functions by neuroscientific approaches. Through these processes, we are currently performing researches in:

  1. Deciphering the neuronal mechanisms that regulate sleep/wakefulness states.
  2. Revealing neuronal pathways that regulate social behavior and social distance.
  3. Analyzing the neuronal mechanisms that control regulated hypometabolism.

Neurophysiology Group more

  • **小金澤 禎史(医学医療系 准教授)t-koganemd.tsukuba.
  • **Tadachika Koganezawa (Associate Professor, Institute of Medicine)

脳による血液循環および呼吸運動の微細なコントロールは生体の恒常性維持にとって重要な役割を果たしています。それゆえ、これらのシステムが正常に働かない場合には、重大な疾患をもたらすことになります。しかしながらその実態については、未だに多くが不明なままです。当研究室では、そのブラックボックスを明らかにするために、げっ歯類のin vivo標本およびin situ標本(経血管灌流標本)を用いて、主に電気生理学的手法を用いた循環調節中枢および呼吸中枢の詳細な解析を行っています。現在、特に、①循環調節中枢の化学受容性についての解析、②呼吸-循環連関についての解析、③それらの破綻によってもたらされる疾患の解析を行っています。

Cardiovascular and respiratory regulation by the central nervous system plays crucial roles in human homeostasis. Disorder of this regulatory system causes serious problems in a living body. Despite this, it has been remained that lots of unknown mechanisms in the cardiovascular and respiratory centers. In order to investigate these mechanisms, we are electrophysiologically approaching to mechanisms of cardiovascular and respiratory regulation by the central nervous system using in vivo preparation and in situ preparation (arterially perfused preparation) of rodents. At present, we are especially studying that I) the chemosensitive mechanism in the cardiovascular center, II) the relationship between cardiovascular and the respiratory centers (cardiorespiratory coupling), and III) diseases which induced by disorder of these systems.

坂口 昌徳 研究室 Sakaguchi Lab more

  • **坂口 昌徳(医学医療系 准教授) masanori.sakaguchigmail.com
  • **Masanori Sakaguchi (Associate Professor, Institute of Medicine)


神経科学の技術革新により、記憶はその情報を担う神経細胞集団の活動パターンに還元できることが明らかになった。例えば、空間情報を担う神経細胞の活動パターンの一部が, 睡眠時にも観察される. この様に、日中の経験が睡眠中に再現されることが記憶の固定化に重要であり、その過程で夢などが引き起こされると考えられている。しかし、それが神経細胞にどの様な変化を引き起こし、長期的な記憶に影響するかは不明な点が多い。私たちのグループは, 最新の光イメージング・遺伝学技術を用いてこの課題に取り組んでいる。これらの基礎研究の成果を通じ、記憶障害を克服する治療法の開発に役立てることを目指している。

Mechanisms of memory consolidation during sleep

Previous studies suggest that sleep is important for memory formation. For example, neurons that are activated during learning are re-activated during sleep. This reactivation is thought to be responsible for memory consolidation. However, its mechanism is still unclear. In rodents, each sleep episode is very short in duration, making sleep stage-specific investigation of the function of neurons technically challenging. Our group aims to overcome these challenges by utilizing the advanced techniques of optogenetics to manipulate neurons during specific stage of sleep. Our goal is to clarify the mechanisms by which neurons incorporate into memory circuits during sleep, which could contribute to the prevention or treatment of memory disorders.

ラザルス/大石 研究室 Lazarus/Oishi Lab more

  • **ミハエル ラザルス(医学医療系 教授) lazarus.michael.kau.tsukuba.
  • **大石 陽(医学医療系 准教授) oishi.yo.fuu.tsukuba.ac.jp
  • **Michael Lazarus (Professor, Institute of Medicine)/Lazarus/Oishi Lab
  • **Yo Oishi (Associate Professor, Institute of Medicine)/Lazarus/Oishi Lab

当研究室では、脳が睡眠や覚醒意識を調節するための細胞・神経基盤の理解に取り組んでいます。動物の行動や脳波における特定の神経集団の機能を調べるため、神経活動操作(光遺伝学・化学遺伝学・光薬理学)、神経活動記録、in vivoイメージング(光ファイバ内視鏡)などを活用しています。現在までに、なぜコーヒーで目が覚めるのか、なぜ退屈な時に眠くなるのか、どのようにレム睡眠不足がジャンクフードへの欲求を増加させるかなどについて、成果を出してきました。また、睡眠量が極端に少ないショートスリーパーのようなマウスを作成・利用し、睡眠の機能や制御機構を調べる研究も行っています。

The investigative focus of our laboratory is the cellular and synaptic basis by which the brain regulates sleep and wakeful consciousness. Our experiments seek to link the activity of defined sets of neurons with neurobehavioral and electroencephalographic outcomes in behaving animals by using innovative genetically or chemically engineered systems (optogenetics, chemogenetics or optopharmacology) in conjunction with recording of the electrical activity produced by the brain or in-vivo imaging (e.g. fiber-optic endomicroscopy). Thereby, we made key contributions to our understanding of sleep/wake behaviors, for example, why coffee wakes us up, why we fall asleep when bored, or how REM sleep loss increases the desire for junk food.

本城 咲季子 研究室 Honjo Lab more

  • **本城 咲季子(国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構 助教) honjoh.sakiko.gfu.tsukuba.
  • **Sakiko Honjoh (Assistant Professor, WPI-IIIS)


We are interested in homeostatic sleep/wake regulation in behavioral vigilance states (e.g., mice sleep longer after when they stayed awake longer) and in cortical neural activity (e.g., a cortical region sleeps deeper when the region has been active during prior waking). Several wake, non-REM sleep, and REM sleep-promoting or -inhibiting areas have been identified. To understand the nature of the homeostatic regulation, using mice, we investigate what kind of changes the critical sleep/wake regulating centers undergo during persistent waking and subsequent sleep. As for the cortical activity, we focus on slow wave, a hallmark of NREM sleep EEG. Though it is the best marker for sleep need so far and it plays important roles in sleep-dependent memory consolidation, the underlying neural circuits remain largely unknown. Currently we investigate the role of thalamic matrix cells in slow wave generation.

阿部 高志 研究室 Abe Lab more

  • **阿部 高志(国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構 准教授) abe.takashi.gpu.tsukuba.
  • **Takashi Abe (Associate Professor, WPI-IIIS)


Our laboratory aims to understand how sleep and sleepiness relate to the human mind and behavior. Currently, we are conducting research on two main topics. (1) Understanding sleepiness: It is well known that sleep loss causes fluctuations in response times. This phenomenon is called “state instability.” We are conducting studies to elucidate the characteristics of state instability and the neural and physiological basis of this phenomenon. In addition, we are also investigating the factors that determine “sleepiness” that cannot be explained by conventional sleep-wake models. (2) Understanding the psychological functions of sleep: This research is being conducted in order to understand the psychological functions of human sleep. In particular, we are investigating the psychological effects of sleep intervention by administering stimuli during sleep.

山田 一夫 研究室 Yamada Lab more

  • **山田 一夫(人間系 教授) kayamadahuman.tsukuba.
  • **Kazuo Yamada (Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences)

行動神経科学分野では、ヒトの心(精神) のメカニズムを知ろうとする心理学の一分野 として、動物やヒトの行動の機能を生物学的、とくに神経学的基盤のもとに解明することを目指しています。なかでも本分野では、とくに記憶・学習のような,ヒトや動物の経験による行動の変容に焦点を当てて研究しています。具体的には、ラットを用いて、

  1. 動物の記憶・学習能力を測定する方法の開発
  2. これらの記憶・学習課題での成績に及ぼす脳損傷、神経毒投与、薬物投与の影響
  3. 記憶障害を有する各種神経変性疾患のモデル動物の開発
  4. 学習・記憶過程における神経伝達物質,伝達物質受容体の関与やその機構


Behavioral Neuroscience Field is trying to clarify the biological and neural mechanisms of various human and animal behaviors. We especially focus on the neural mechanisms of learning and memory in rats: to develop methods to measure animal learning and memory, to examine the effects of brain lesions, neurotoxin treatment and drug treatment on learning and memory, to develop animal models of neural degeneration disease that includes memory disorder, and to analyze the involvement of neurotransmitter and receptor systems in memory and learning processes. We also work with the evaluation of psychotropic drugs using animal models of psychological and psychiatric diseases.

綾部 早穂 研究室 Ayabe Lab more

  • **綾部 早穂(人間系 教授) sahoayahuman.tsukuba.
  • **Saho Ayabe (Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences)


Perception is based on individual experience (memory). The likeness or pleasantness of an object in the external environment often depends on how the object is perceived. Perception is also strongly influenced by context. The research goal of our lab. is to approach the elucidation of the mechanism of human perception through various sensory modalities (especially, olfaction and taste sensation), using perceptual learning, memory, hedonics, set, context, and inter-sensory interaction as keywords.

仲田 真理子 研究室 Nakata Lab More

  • **仲田 真理子(人間系 助教)  nakata.mariko.ftu.tsukuba.
  • **Mariko Nakata (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences)


Our laboratory studies social behaviors such as aggressive, sexual, and social recognition to understand neural and neuroendocrine mechanism of those behaviors from genetic, molecular, anatomical and physiological levels by combining detail behavioral analysis with neuroscience techniques such as gene knockdown, optogenetics, and chemogenetics using mouse model.

Psychiatry and Neurology Group more

  • **新井 哲明(医学医療系 教授) 4632tetsumd.tsukuba.
  • **太田 深秀(医学医療系 教授)精神神経学 otamd.tsukuba.
  • 根本 清貴(医学医療系 准教授)精神神経学
  • **Tetsuaki Arai (Professor, Institute of Medicine)
  • **Miho Ota (Professor, Institute of Medicine) Psychiatry and Neurology
  • Kiyotaka Nemoto (Associate Professor, Institute of Medicine) Psychiatry and Neurology


Nowadays, there are many patients suffering from the diseases of which the whole aspect has not yet been elucidated, such as depression, neurodevelopmental disorders, and dementia. To clarify the symptoms caused by the interaction between the "brain" and "feeling", pharmacology, physiology, molecular genetics, neuroimaging and other biological aspects, as well as psychopathology and psychology were fully required. Our research group work to elucidate the etiology of mental illness and to develop better treatments. Let's work together on research that will lead to the development of new psychiatric care in this Tsukuba area that is 45 minutes from the city center and has a balance between science, nature and culture.

山中 克夫 研究室 Yamanaka Lab more

  • **山中 克夫(人間系 准教授) yamanaka.katsuo.gnu.tsukuba.
  • **Katsuo Yamanaka (Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences)


  1. 認知症の人やその介護者に対する心理社会的な介入やサポート
  2. 認知症の人やその介護者の心理的評価
  3. 認知症の人に対する社会的態度
  4. 神経心理学的リハビリテーションに結び付くような老年心理学研究

My specialty is geriatric clinical psychology. Most of the subjects are people with dementia and their carers. We value a perspective of neuropsychological rehabilitation when we work with them. Moreover, we always consider translation from our studies to practice. Our group welcomes students and researchers who are interested in themes as follows:

  1. Psychosocial interventions and support to people with dementia and their carers.
  2. Structured group activities for people with dementia, such as cognitive stimulation and reminiscence therapy
  3. Psychological assessments for people with dementia and their carers.
  4. Social attitude to people with dementia.
  5. Geropsychological studies related to neuropsychological rehabilitation.

三盃 亜美 研究室 Sanbai Lab

  • **三盃 亜美(人間系 助教) sambaihuman.tsukuba.ac.jp
  • **Ami Sanbai (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences)


  1. 言語の理解・表出、読み書きなどの言語機能における障害のメカニズムの解明
  2. 症状や認知特性を正確に把握するための検査開発
  3. 症状および認知特性に合わせた効果的な支援や指導・訓練の開発

People with deficits in processing of spoken and/or written language have various difficulties in school, work, and daily life. To provide effective supports and treatments, deep understanding of symptoms and causes is important. We aim to clarify underlying mechanisms of deficits in language processing and develop scientific evidence-based supports and treatments, using cognitive neuropsychological methods. Our current research is focusing on the following:

  1. Research on underlying mechanisms of deficits in language processing
  2. Development of tests to detect symptoms and cognitive deficits
  3. Development of effective supports and treatments based on symptoms and cognitive characteristics

岡崎 慎治 研究室 Okazaki Lab

  • #岡崎 慎治(人間系 准教授)
  • #Shinji Okazaki (Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences)

鶴田 文憲 研究室 Tsuruta Lab more

  • 鶴田 文憲(生命環境系 助教)
  • Fuminori Tsuruta (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences)


  1. 発達過程における神経細胞-ミクログリアの相互作用
  2. 自閉症責任遺伝子によるシナプス形成や脳内恒常性の維持
  3. 出生後の環境変化に連動した体温制御メカニズム
  4. ミクログリア活性を制御する創薬研究

Our goal is to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie synaptic connectivity, neural circuit formation, and brain homeostasis during the postnatal stage. Particularly, we are interested in understanding the functional relationship between neurons and microglia. The ongoing projects are as follows;

  1. Neuron-microglia communication during the developmental stage.
  2. Synaptic connectivity and brain homeostasis regulated by genes associated with ASD.
  3. Regulation of body temperature mediated by environmental change after birth.
  4. Drug discovery for regulating microglial activity.

秋山 英三 研究室 Akiyama Lab more

  • 秋山 英三(システム情報系 教授)
  • Eizo Akiyama (Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems)

高橋 阿貴 研究室 Takahashi Lab More (Takahashi)

  • **高橋 阿貴(人間系 准教授) aktakahahuman.tsukuba.ac.jp
  • **Aki Takahashi (Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences)


There are large individual differences in many behavioral phenotypes, such as emotionality, aggression, sociability and stress-susceptibility in the mouse (Mus musculus). My research interest is to understand biological mechanisms that produce these individual differences in social behavior, especially aggressive behavior, from multi-dimensional aspects including gene, neural circuit, immune system, and microbiota.

岩木 直 研究室 Iwaki Lab 岩木先生Webページ

  • **岩木 直(芸術系 教授(連携大学院)) s.iwakiaist.go.jp
  • **Sunao Iwaki (Professor, Faculty of Art and Design)


In recent years, non-invasive techniques to measure and visualize human brain activity have made remarkable progress. Based on the complementary use of neuroimaging techniques such as EEG and functional MRI to precisely measure and analyze neural activities in the human brain corresponding to cognitive processing, we have been conducting research to model perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral characteristics of the living human. We also use simultaneous measurement of brain activity from multiple participants as well as VR simulation to quantitatively evaluate human behavior in the real world. Our research laboratory is located at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST); students take classes at University of Tsukuba and carry out their research at AIST (Cooperative Graduate School Program).

武田 裕司 研究室 Takeda Lab 武田先生Webページ

  • **武田 裕司(人間系 教授(連携大学院)) yuji-takedaaist.go.jp
  • **Yuji Takeda (Associate Professor, Faculty of Art and Design)


Scientific understanding of user characteristics is important to develop better products and services. In our research laboratory, we investigate human attention, cognition, and emotion by using event-related brain potentials (ERPs). ERPs are temporal variations that reflect information processing in the brain, and they allow us to estimate when and how deeply the information is processed that cannot be estimated by behavioral indices. Our studies are conducted not only in an experiment room to investigate basic cognitive functions but also in simulated and real situations to develop products and services. Our research laboratory is located at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST); students take the classes at University of Tsukuba and carry out their researches at AIST (Cooperative Graduate School Program).

山本 慎也 研究室 Yamamoto Lab More

  • **山本 慎也(人間系 准教授(連携大学院)) yamamoto-saist.go.jp
  • **Shinya Yamamoto (Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences)


The brain reconstructs the external world by collecting multiple sensory signals. To understand the neural information processing in perception and cognition, we focus on how multisensory signals are integrated and segregated in the brain and how they represent spatial and temporal information. To answer these questions, we perform psychophysical, physiological, and pharmacological experiments in human and animals. We are also examining the effects of local brain temperature on perception and cognition.

パスクアロット 研究室 Pasqualotto lab

  • **パスクアロット(人間系 准教授) pasqualotto.achil.fwu.tsukuba.ac.jp
  • **Pasqualotto Achille (Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences)
Experimental psychology and neuroscience, traditionally have investigated sensory modalities in isolation (vision on its own, audition on its own, touch in its own, etc.). However, in the “real world” all our senses work at-the-same-time (or multisensory). All this information is processed in parallel by the bran to build a representation of the external world. Our goal is investigating how this process occurs.