
Guidance for users who want to get the information on tissue preparations

In this web, we provide the information on the tissue preparations for use in microscopy.
You can easily know what you should observe in your specimens.


a list of samples

samples contained
Link to the group of samples (English)
皮下組織 hypodermis、動脈と静脈 artery and vein、神経(線維束)nerve fibers 初日の標本 samples of the
first day
bone、歯 tooth、頭皮 scalp、口唇 lip、神経筋接合部 neuromuscular junction A標本群 List A
食道 esophagus、胃 stomach、小腸(十二指腸)small intestine (duodenum)、大腸(直腸)large intestine (rectum) B標本群 List B
肝臓 liver、膵臓 pancreas、唾液腺 salivary gland、リンパ節 lymph node C標本群 List C
気管 trachea、肺 lung、心臓 heart、脾臓 spleen、陰嚢 scrotum D標本群 List D
腎臓 kidney、膀胱 urinary bladder、尿道 urethra、神経細胞 neuron、脊髄 spinal cord、大脳皮質 cerebral cortex E標本群 List E
眼球 eyeball、精巣 testis、卵巣 ovary、子宮 uterus F標本群 List F
下垂体 pituitary gland、神経分泌細胞 neurosecretory cell、甲状腺 thyroid gland、副腎(腎上体)adrenal gland、内耳 inner ear、味蕾 taste bud G標本群 List G
尿管 ureter、前立腺 prostate gland H標本群 List H
その他の標本(参考用) その他の標本群 

a list of staining methods of the samples in this web

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